Vessel titling & registrations
All vessels operated on Florida waterways must have a valid registration which is displayed on the vessel.
Exemptions from registration include:
- Vessels operated, used and stored exclusively on private lakes and ponds.
- Vessels owned by the U.S. Government.
- Vessels used exclusively as a ship's lifeboat.
- Non-motor-powered vessels less than 16 feet in length.
- Non-motor-powered canoe, kayak, racing shell or rowing scull regardless of length.
Exemptions from titling include:
- Vessels operated, used and stored exclusively on private lakes and ponds.
- Vessels owned by the U.S. Government, the State of Florida or its political subdivisions.
- Non-motor-powered vessels less than 16 feet in length.
- Federally documented vessels.
- A vessel already covered by a registration number in full force and effect which was awarded to it pursuant
to a federally approved numbering system of another state or by the United States Coast Guard in a state
without a federally approved numbering system, if the vessel is not located in this state for a period of more
than 90 consecutive days.
- Vessels from a country other than the United States temporarily used, operated or stored on the waters of
this state for a period that is not more than 90 days.
- Amphibious vessels which have been issued a vehicle title by FLHSMV.
- Vessels used only for demonstration, testing or sales promotional purposes by a manufacturer or dealer.
Vessels in the state of Florida fall into one of two classifications: commercial or pleasure. If the
classification of a vessel changes, the owner must complete a DHSMV form 87015. This form along with the current
registration must be presented at the tax collector's office. If the current registration cannot be located,
certification as to why the original registration is not available can be completed on DHSMV form 87015. A fee of $6.25 will be charged.
If the owner of a vessel is a non-resident and is changing the vessel classification from pleasure to
commercial, an additional $50.00 vessel fee is due if the vessel is not subject to a specific reciprocal
agreement with another state.
Services are available:
In person
By Mail
- Mail your payment to:
- Will Roberts - Tax Collector
- 1847 Holsonback Dr.
- Daytona Beach FL 32117
Additional information
Additional information and fees can be found on the FLHSMV website.